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Nature Communications: Implanting oxophilic metal in PtRu...
Artical Link: Implanting oxophilic metal in PtRu nanowires for hydrogen oxidation catalysis | Nature CommunicationsOxygen evolution reaction (OER) plays a critical rol...
Science Advances: Misoriented high-entropy iridium ruthen...
Artical Link: Misoriented high-entropy iridium ruthenium oxide for acidic water splitting | Science Advances Designing an efficient catalyst for acidic oxygen ev...
Nature Synthesis: A selenium-mediated layer-by-layer synt...
Artical Link: A selenium-mediated layer-by-layer synthetic strategy for multilayered multicomponent nanocrystals | Nature Synthesis Ordered heterostructured nan...
Nature Nanotechnology: Regioselective epitaxial growth of...
Artical Link: Regioselective epitaxial growth of metallic heterostructures | Nature Nanotechnology Constructing regioselective architectures in heter...
Chemical Reviews:Strain and Surface Engineering of Multic...
Artical Link: Strain and Surface Engineering of Multicomponent Metallic Nanomaterials with Unconventional Phases | Chemical Reviews ( Multicomponent metallic n...
Chem: Exceptionally active and stable RuO2 with interstit...
Article Link: evolution reaction (OER) plays a critical role in energy conversion technologies. Signific...
Science advances: Single-site Pt-doped RuO2 hollow nanosp...
Article Link: stable and efficient overall water splitting is highly desirable for sustainable and efficien...
Nature communications: A top-down strategy for amorphizat...
Article Link: materials have attracted increasing attention in diverse fields due to their unique propertie...
Nature synthesis: Synthesis of noble metal chalcogenides ...
Article Link: Noble metal chalcogenides (NMCs) are an important class of materials with unique properties and widesp...
JACS:On-Demand, Ultraselective Hydrogenation System Enab...
Article Link: pursuit of efficient hydrogenation nanocatalysts with a desirable selectivity toward intricate substrates is st...
Chemical Society Reviews:Metallic nanostructures with lo...
Article Link: nanostructures with low dimensionality (one-dimension and two-dimension) possess unique structural character...
Science Advances:Atomically deviated Pd-Te nanoplates bo...
Article Link: methanol crossover effect in direct methanol fuel cells (DMFCs) can severely reduce cathodic oxygen reduction r...
Nature Communications:High-efficiency direct methane con...
Article Link: methane conversion (DMC) to high value-added products is of significant importance for the effective uti...