Chem: Exceptionally active and stable RuO2 with interstitial carbon for water oxidation in acid


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Oxygen evolution reaction (OER) plays a critical role in energy conversion technologies. Significant progress has been made in alkaline conditions. In contrast, it remains a challenge to develop stable OER electrocatalysts in acidic conditions. Herein, we report a new strategy to stabilize RuO2 by introducing interstitial carbon (C-RuO2- RuSe), where the optimized C-RuO2-RuSe-5 exhibits a low overpotential of 212, 259, and 294 mV to reach a current density of 10, 50, and 100 mA cm2, respectively. More importantly, C-RuO2- RuSe-10 has long-term stability of up to 50 h, representing one of the most stable OER electrocatalysts. X-ray absorption spectroscopy reveals that the Ru–O bonds have been elongated due to the formation of interstitial C. Theoretical calculations show that the elongated Ru–O bonds in RuO2 enhance its stability and reduce energy barriers for OER. This work provides a new perspective for designing and constructing efficient Ru-based electrocatalysts for water splitting.

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下一条:Science advances: Single-site Pt-doped RuO2 hollow nanospheres with interstitial C for high-performance acidic overall water splitting

