Annual Report Meeting of Huang's Group in 2023

龙跃凤鸣展华彩,凤楼龙阙乐常在。辞旧迎新时,Huang's Group召开了别开生面的年终总结大会。每位成员就2023年的实验与生活进行了总结与分析,并对未来进行展望。过去一年,课题组取得了许多可喜的进展与成果,接下来我们将结合经验教训,继续书写科研华章。
The dragon leaps and the phoenix sings to show the brilliance, and the phoenix tower and the dragon are always there. At the time of bidding farewell to the old and welcoming the new, Huang's Group held a unique year-end summary meeting. Each member summarized and analyzed the experiments and life in 2023, and looked forward to the future. In the past year, the research group has made many gratifying progress and achievements, and we will continue to write a chapter of scientific research based on lessons learned.