Annual Report Meeting of Huang’s Group in 2022

虎跃前程去,兔携好运来。新春伊始,Huang’s group以一场年终总结大会拉开了2023年的帷幕。每位成员就2022年的科研与生活进行总结与展望,也为课题组建设提出了美好愿景。回首成与败,我们将吸取经验与教训,继续书写科研篇章。
The tiger leaps forward, and the rabbit comes with good luck. At the beginning of the new year, Huang's group kicked off 2023 with a year-end wrap-up meeting. Each member summarized and looked forward to scientific research and life in 2022, as well as put forward beautiful visions for the construction of the research group. Looking back on success and failure, we will learn from experience and lesson, to continue writing a chapter in scientific research.